Voprosy istorii i kul'tury severnykh stran i territorii

Historical and cultural problems of northern countries and regions

Rus / Eng

Historical and cultural problems of northern countries and regions ¹ 2 (30), 2015


Historical and cultural problems

of northern countries and regions


Scientific articles


On the question of orthodox chapel in the tundras

of the European Northeast in XIX-XX centuries


Menshakova E.G.1


Abstract. This study attempts to systematize information about nearly four dozen chapels that existed within the modern borders of Nenets Autonomous region in XIX - XX centuries.

Keywords: chapel, tundra of European North-East, the samoyeds (Nenets), inhabitants of the parish Pustozersk, pomors, crafts, tradition.


1Menshakova Elena G., director of SBIC Historical, cultural and landscape Museum-reserve "Pustozersk», member of the Nenets regional public organization "Society of historians". Tyco Wilki str., 4, 166000, Naryan-Mar, Russian Federation.

E-mail: menschackova.eg@yandex.ru




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