Вопросы истории и культуры северных стран и территорий

Historical and cultural problems of northern countries and regions

Русский / English

Вопросы истории и культуры северных стран и территорий № 1, 2008 г.

Вопросы истории и культуры

северных стран и территорий


Historical and cultural problems

of northern countries and regions


Научные статьи


Труды молодых исследователей

История педагогики


Anastasya N. Shcheglova




University system of teaching foreign languages

in the regions of Russia and the world globalization


Syktyvkar is the largest city and the capital of the Republic of Komi in the far north of European Russia. Syktyvkar is a political, cultural, educational, financial and manufacturing center of the Republic of Komi.

Syktyvkar State University as it is the largest institution of higher education in the Komi Republic, acknowledged as a center of education, science and culture of the European North-East of Russia. The University structure includes 15 Schools and more than 500 teachers do training and research work.

Special mention should be made of the work of the Department of English and French. The history of the Department goes back to the establishment of SyktSU in 1972. Then it was called the Department of foreign languages, but in 1992 it was divided into 2 separate departments: Department of English and French and the Department of German Philology.

The DEF employs a professional staff for training and research work. Presently, 3 Associate Professors, among them 2 Candidates of Phililogy and 1 Candidate of Pedagogy, 5 Associate Professors and 15 senior lecturers and 13 junior lecturers work at the Department. At present the head of the Department is Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor V. A. Chernykh.

“Many students wish to develop proficiency in the languages because it will be needed in their professional career; some prepare themselves for international careers, others are planning to continue their education and understand that mastery a foreign language is a requirement for a postgraduate course. That is why the work of the DEF is so important.” [Е. П. Белкина, Т. А. Белкина, «University life in Schools of Economics», учебное пособие, Сыктывкар, 2006 г.]

Teachers of English and French Department develop manuals and methodological recommendations for undergraduates. Their purpose is to develop students skills for reading original texts and grammar skills. Teachers of DEF cooperate with leading specialists of different departments of the university in order to get recent research literature, the students are majoring in.

It is desirable that our staff should make contacts with English speaking professors for assistance and cooperation.


© Anastasya N. Shcheglova



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